May 2010

D.C. Douglas got fired from Geico for asking a Tea Party group how many retards they have on staff:
Geico FIRES D.C. Douglas: Voice Actor Dropped After Insulting FreedomWorks, Tea Partiers

More proof of Funimation voice actors having a pre-existing bias against conservatives before ousting Vic

Voicemail Archive

July 2010


Anti-Christian Bias: “Vic is such sleazy christfag.“ (Comment)

2010-12-16: Archive – Credit to Jordan Eschelman for finding this
Vic tags Monica’s mom in a photo: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=478752266950

3 years after the alleged Izumicon incident, Vic tagged Monica’s mom in photo on Facebook and Monica replied positively in a comment.
This seems to portray a level of friendship closer than Monica has retroactively claimed they had after the alleged Izumicon incident.
The image of Monica was Photoshopped over this picture of Beyonce performing with Prince at the 2004 Grammy Awards.